
unfinished projects
Variations on a Pomegranate
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data and comments stills video

Variaciones sobre una Granada / Variations on a Granada

ca. 1975 - 35mm Bi-Standard, colour, silent, approx. 3 minutes

This short reel is a kind of cinematographic still-life: on the basis of an arrangement of pomegranates, the fruit emblematic of Granada, it combines animation (single-frame or stop-motion cinematography) and picto-luminic techniques which in turn draw on a whole battery of resources:

- Images, figurative or abstract, that are projected onto and coupled anamorphically to the spherical forms of the pomegranates.
- Warps and flashes produced by the incident impact of the laser and other light sources.
- Translucent elements that act as filters in front of the lens and that add sensations of relief or special texture effects.
- Sections and details of the inner flesh of the pomegranates: their red seeds, their outer skin and the yellow membranes that envelop them.
- Kaleidoscopic and prismatic effects achieved with simple optical devices.
- Zooms in and out, with vertiginous close-ups of the vivified still-life of the pomegranates.

This is, then, one of the finest examples of the ''picto-luminic attempts'' in which Val del Omar was engaged during the last years of his life, together with the records or notes that he filmed in Super-8 of other alchemies of light, images and commonplace objects. [EB]

  web credits   -------------- valdelomar.com  

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